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over exploitation中文是什么意思

用"over exploitation"造句"over exploitation"怎么读"over exploitation" in a sentence


  • 过开发


  • In argentina , the town has become a national symbol in the debate over exploitation vs . preservation of the country ' s vast natural resources
  • Shiyanghe river basin is a typical inland river basin , which was caused severe ecology problems by human over exploitation . it is a typical representative in whole dry land in northwest of china
  • Resource and energy over exploitation and consumption make serious bad influence on environmental protection and ecological balance . due to obvious supplies and demands , high cost , low price and reasonless configuration , most of ferroalloys factories don ’ t reach design production and have little profit and under instauration
  • Considering most of qinling mountain areas are fragile in terms of eco - system and have significant value of biodiversity in a global sense , it will be very important to make sure these eco - tourism developments are guided in biodiversity conservation sensitivities to prevent over exploitation and irreversible damage
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